Saturday 4 February 2012

What are demons?

“So he went into their synagogues, preaching and driving out demons throughout the whole of Galilee.”
What are demons or unclean spirits?
Little red men with pointy ears and pitch forks?
Are they some kind of being that enters us from outside of ourselves?
Simply put, demons or unclean spirits are our own thoughts and desires that are not of  God.
The battle is within
The battle against evil is within us, within our own hearts and minds.
All that draws us away from loving and being loved, all that draws us away from mercy and compassion, all that draws us away from peace and joy…is the demon or unclean spirit.
An unclean spirit is…
An unloving thought is an unclean spirit.
A judgmental thought is an unclean spirit.
A thought that lacks mercy and forgiveness is an unclean spirit.
A thought that is filled with anxiety about the present or future is an unclean spirit.
A thought that is filled with pain from our past is an unclean spirit.
We have to make a choice with every thought
We have a choice with every single one of these thoughts as they come into our minds: are we going to be possessed by this demon and allow it to consume our consciousness, or through the Grace and power of the Cross of Jesus, are we going to let it go and be free. 
Jesus’ call to us:
1.Quiet and recognition
Jesus calls us to places of worship and quietness in order to recognize and identify the unclean spirits within us that are robbing us of life.
2. The Cross and Grace
Then he offers us the power of His Cross: to put the Cross between us and the unclean thoughts, to free us from the bondage of these demons by His Grace, the infilling of the Holy Spirit. 
3. Listen to His Words
And then He calls us to listen to His Word, His teaching.
His Spirit filled Words are to fill our hearts and minds.
His words of life and love and mercy and peace are to overpower and replace the unclean spirits that have dominion over us.

“So he went into their synagogues, preaching and driving out demons throughout the whole of Galilee.”
The Lord Jesus desires to come into our hearts to teach us the Truth about Life, to lead us out of the bondage of all that is unclean and damaging, and to bring us into the Promised Land of freedom, love, peace, joy….eternal life in communion with the Father.
He calls us to be a people of love that can draw others to freedom, wellness and fullness of life.

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