Monday 20 February 2012

A reflection for Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday, 22 February 2012
The church calls us in Lent to examine our lives and change our ways, and be healed.
Lent is not a season of punishment so much as one of healing.
Lent is an invitation to “change” your heart, and make it more whole and complete.

The Ash Wednesday Liturgy reminds us to: 
“create and make in us NEW and contrite hearts”
“…acknowledging our BROKENNESS”
“…renew our life in the PASCHAL MYSTERY”
“self examination, penitence, prayer, fasting, almsgiving, READING AND MEDITATING on the word of God.”
This is the process through which we are healed and made whole.
This lent, let us surrender every aspect of our lives to Christ.
With trust and faith, let us follow Him into the land of promise, The life of Resurrection, where all things are NEW.

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